Midsouth Makers e-mail on Gmail

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This is a detailed instructional on how to connect your midsouthmakers.org e-mail to your regular gmail account. This way you're only logging into one location to check multiple accounts.

Image Instructions
Gmail Settings Accounts Imports.png Navigate to the Accounts and Imports tab under your Gmail settings.
Gmail Add POP3 Account.png Click on the "Add POP3 Account" button.
Gmail Add Email Account.png Enter the midsouthmakers e-mail account you wish to add.
Gmail Add Email Account Settings.png Fill out the credentials similar to as shown in the picture.
Gmail Add Email Account Name.png Provide a name that you wish to attach to the outbound e-mails from your account.
Gmail Add Email Account SMTP Server.png Select to send through Gmail's servers for the SMTP settings.
Gmail Add Email Account Send Verification.png Send the verification e-mail to the account you're attaching.
Gmail Midsouth Makers Login.png Login to your account.
Gmail Midsouth Makers Confirmation E-mail.png Find the confirmation number in the e-mail.
Gmail Add Email Account Verification Code.png Paste the confirmation number into the window and hit verify.