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Revision as of 13:29, 25 May 2011

Motion Scripts

We use two bash scripts to manage motion data. One simply copies the last snapshot to the live web server for the main domain to link to.

  • imagedelay.sh
cp /motion/1.camera.midsouthmakers.org/lastsnap.jpg /motion/camera.midsouthmakers.org/delayed-1.jpg
cp /motion/2.camera.midsouthmakers.org/lastsnap.jpg /motion/camera.midsouthmakers.org/delayed-2.jpg
cp /motion/3.camera.midsouthmakers.org/lastsnap.jpg /motion/camera.midsouthmakers.org/delayed-3.jpg
cp /motion/4.camera.midsouthmakers.org/lastsnap.jpg /motion/camera.midsouthmakers.org/delayed-4.jpg
cp /motion/5.camera.midsouthmakers.org/lastsnap.jpg /motion/camera.midsouthmakers.org/delayed-5.jpg

Our second script rotates the previous day's images into it's own archive folder and copies an easy to view gallery.

  • archivemotion.sh
TE=`date -d '1 day ago' +%Y-%m-%d`
echo $DATE
echo $PATH1
mkdir $PATH1
mv /motion/1.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE-* $PATH1/.
cp /motion/1.camera.midsouthmakers.org/galleryarchive.php /motion/1.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE/index.php
echo $PATH2
mkdir $PATH2
mv /motion/2.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE-* $PATH2/.
cp /motion/1.camera.midsouthmakers.org/galleryarchive.php /motion/2.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE/index.php
echo $PATH3
mkdir $PATH3
mv /motion/3.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE-* $PATH3/.
cp /motion/1.camera.midsouthmakers.org/galleryarchive.php /motion/3.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE/index.php
echo $PATH4
mkdir $PATH4
mv /motion/4.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE-* $PATH4/.
cp /motion/1.camera.midsouthmakers.org/galleryarchive.php /motion/4.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE/index.php
echo $PATH5
mkdir $PATH5
mv /motion/5.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE-* $PATH5/.
cp /motion/1.camera.midsouthmakers.org/galleryarchive.php /motion/5.camera.midsouthmakers.org/$DATE/index.php

Gallery Sciprts

We use 2 gallery scripts, one lists folders to be placed in the root of the individual camera folder, the other is to be copied into each archived folder.

  • gallery.php
ini_set ('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
function folderlist(){
  $startdir = './';
  $ignoredDirectory[] = '.'; 
  $ignoredDirectory[] = '..';
   if (is_dir($startdir)){
       if ($dh = opendir($startdir)){
           while (($folder = readdir($dh)) !== false){
               if (!(array_search($folder,$ignoredDirectory) > -1)){
                 if (filetype($startdir . $folder) == "dir"){
                       $directorylist[$startdir . $folder]['name'] = $folder;
                       $directorylist[$startdir . $folder]['path'] = $startdir;
echo("<table><tr><td>Past Archives</td></tr>");
$folders = folderlist();
  foreach ($folders as $folder){
    $path = $folder['path'];
    $name = $folder['name'];

    echo '<tr><td><a href="'. $path . $name .'">' . $name . '</a></td></tr>';
// open the current directory by opendir
	$images = array();
	$videos = array();
	$imagestring = ".jpg";
	$videostring = ".mov";
while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
if ($file == "." || $file == ".."){
} else {
	//echo "$file <br>";
	if(strstr($file,$imagestring)) {
		//echo "found it.";
		//echo("$file : " . date ("Ymd Gis", filemtime($file)) . "<BR>");
		$imagedate = date("Ymd Gis", filemtime($file));
		$images["$imagedate"][] = "<img src=\"" . $file . "\">";
		//$images[] = $file;
	} else {
		//echo "not found.";
	if(strstr($file,$videostring)) {
		//echo "found it.";
		$videos[] = $file;
	} else {
		//echo "not found.";
//echo("<pre>"); print_r($images); echo("


foreach ($images as $imagelink) { //echo("$imagelink"); foreach ($imagelink as $key=>$temptwo) {

     echo "$temptwo", "\n";

} closedir($handle); ?>

  • galleryarchive.php
ini_set ('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
function folderlist(){
  $startdir = './';
  $ignoredDirectory[] = '.'; 
  $ignoredDirectory[] = '..';
   if (is_dir($startdir)){
       if ($dh = opendir($startdir)){
           while (($folder = readdir($dh)) !== false){
               if (!(array_search($folder,$ignoredDirectory) > -1)){
                 if (filetype($startdir . $folder) == "dir"){
                       $directorylist[$startdir . $folder]['name'] = $folder;
                       $directorylist[$startdir . $folder]['path'] = $startdir;
// open the current directory by opendir
	$images = array();
	$videos = array();
	$imagestring = ".jpg";
	$videostring = ".mov";
while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
if ($file == "." || $file == ".."){
} else {
	//echo "$file <br>";
	if(strstr($file,$imagestring)) {
		//echo "found it.";
		//echo("$file : " . date ("Ymd Gis", filemtime($file)) . "<BR>");
		$imagedate = date("Ymd Gis", filemtime($file));
		$images["$imagedate"][] = "<img src=\"" . $file . "\">";
		//$images[] = $file;
	} else {
		//echo "not found.";
	if(strstr($file,$videostring)) {
		//echo "found it.";
		$videos[] = $file;
	} else {
		//echo "not found.";
//echo("<pre>"); print_r($images); echo("


foreach ($images as $imagelink) { //echo("$imagelink"); foreach ($imagelink as $key=>$temptwo) {

     echo "$temptwo", "\n";

} closedir($handle); ?>