Lulzbot AO-101 3D Printer

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Lulzbot AO-101 3D Printer
MidsouthMakers 3D Printer

3D Printer

Owner Midsouth Makers
Tool Category Tool -> CNC Tool
Model LulzBot AO-101
Serial VERALE47120240
Purchased On 2013-05-24
Cost $0 ($1725)
Status Available
Availability Training required to use

Read The Freaking Manual.svgDo Not Hack.svg


Link to the manual locationlinks to tool use reservation schedule




The LulzBot AO-101 3D Printer is currently on it's dedicated work station in the common room next to the vinyl cutter. Or at least will be after 5/24/2013.


  • Usable Print Area: 200mm x 190mm x 100mm (7.9in x 7.5in x 3.9in)
  • Top Print Speed: 150mm/sec
  • Print Tolerance: 0.2mm (0.008in) in X and Y axes. Z axis is dependent on layer thickness
  • Layer Thickness: 0.075mm (0.0029in) to 0.4mm
  • Stock filament size: 3mm


  • ABS 3mm plastic filament
  • PLA 3mm plastic filament
  • Nylon 3mm plastic filament
  • Laywoo-D3 plastic filament
  • PET print surface on a borosilicate glass bed
  • ABS & acetone solution (for ABS first layer adhesion)

Allowed Filament Vendors

Recommended Safety Equipment

  • Beware of Pinch Points.
  • The heated bed gets hot.
  • The nozzle gets hot too.

Prior to each use


  • X and Y belts are taut
  • Filament loaded properly
  • Print surface prepped: (PET with ABS solution for ABS printing/Bare glass for PLA/Garolite or cellulose based material for Nylon)
  • Home all axes prior to using the manual movement controls

After each use


  • Clean bed of any left over filament.
  • If using personal filament reload the space filament and prime the nozzle by bringing it to temp and verifying extrusion.
  • Home all axes
  • Power off the printer using the power switch on the left hand side of the printer (for now)


Please leave a donation for any printer use. Filament costs on average $50 a kg (2.2lb) with shipping. Please leave a dollar or two for each hour the print takes. You can donate by giving cash to a board member, with paypal or with purchasing filament. Make a donation now. Please purchase reels for ease of use and stability. Coiled filament will work but can be a pain.


Board Firmware Hot end Installed nozzle diameter Motors Belts Pulleys Extrusions Heated Bed Glass Bed
RAMBo v1 Marlin 1.0 Budaschnozzle 1.2 0.5mm NEMA 17 GT2 GT2 16 tooth Misumi 2020 Prusa PCB Heater MK1 Borosilicate with PET film

Calibration Standard

DO NOT CHANGE/MODIFY/ALTER without checking with Claudio/Orias first.

Motor Steps Max Length Microstep Mode Digipot
X 50.25 190 8 135
Y 50.25 200 8 135
Z 756.00 100 8 170
E0 (Extruder 1) 408 NA 8 135

Budaschnozzle specs

Thermistor Heater resistor Connectors
100k Honeywell Thermistor 6.8 Ohm

Slic3r Configurations

Known good working Slic3r configurations will be stored on MidsouthMakers GitHub


  • Navigate to where ever you would like to sync the contents to
  • In a terminal window issue the following command:
git clone
  • Once synced, run Slic3r and load the desired configuration.


The following services are hosted at or printer3d.local

Repetier-Server Recommended


http://printer3d.local:5000/Status: Octoprint no longer in use, use Repetier-server above

OctoPrint webcam streamStatus: Not working

Authorized Users

Ben Cliff Dan Joe Reese Dru Claudio Mark Andrew Dan

Maintenance Performed

  • 6/20/2013 Replaced small herringbone gear on extruder stepper motor. Lost one gear tooth after ~13lb of filament.
  • 6/21/2013 Replaced PET print surface.
  • 10/24/2013 Haksaw replaced wiring harness and connectors for the hotend.