Board meeting notes 2010-04-26

From MidsouthMakers - Memphis Area Hackerpace
(Redirected from Board Meeting Apr 26 2010)
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<< 2010-04-19 Board Meeting Minutes 2010-05-03 >>


  • Joe
  • John
  • Chris
  • Daniel


Old Business

  • Continue discussion of new dues demographic
  • Continue discussion of Midsouth Makers, members, and tables at cons

New Business

  • Financial Report
  • An answer for Rick
    • Rick proposed something to us, and we have gone two weeks without providing him a response, one needs to be given and soon
  • Bringing old people back
    • Meetings attendance has dropped
      • Why?
        • Ultimately as the board, we are responsible
      • Who has not shown back up in a while?
      • What can we do to get them coming back?
    • Mailing List
      • Lets get people on it and active
      • Has anyone actually subscribed to the PSOne public list? It's teeming with activity
  • Appearance
    • Current style of the main logo has been seen as too "old west" let's work on something sleek like the badge logo
    • Site colors, something is not right with them, let's make the theme match the badge logo a little better
  • Promotional Stuff
    • We need something new, short, and sweet that describes us well
    • Something that covers a wide area of description with less wording
    • Our current flyer attempts to cover that wide area with too much
    • The design of our current flyers also is over used, everyone uses the "WE WANT YOU" slogan
    • Flyers, handouts, and other promotional stuff let's get creative
  • Promotional Day
    • Let's pick a weekend that we all or several of us get together and go put up flyers and set out stacks of handouts
  • Sponsors
    • Twin Cities Maker has one
    • Harford Hackerspace has four


Comes to Order @ 8:30pm

  • John will draft an answer to Rick
  • Make sure no one is left out of group conversations, don't want to alienate anyone.
  • Membership, is low. Board should be communicating with people to find out why they haven't come back to meetings
    • Maybe send a monthly update with pictures from meetings to show people what they are missing
    • Some people may not be coming because they're waiting for us to get a space
  • Group activities - Doing things as a group, movies, cook outs, dinner
  • We have a lot of good ideas, but we need to execute them
  • Potential Sponsors for the group
    • We wouldn't want to depend on sponsors to pay the bills
    • How would we go about it
    • Do we want sponsors?
  • Our group logo
  • We need something that isn't as busy, but eye catching

Meeting Adjourned @ 10:02pm