Membership rules
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This is a draft of the Membership Rules and are merely the things that we want to ensure are in the final product. We intend for everyone to have a final say on what the Rules are before they are fully ratified, and the date of ratification will be listed here along with the date of the last amendment. |
Excluded Offenses
- Any topic that is excluded from the Membership Rules is subject to be added as an amendment on a per case basis. If no repercussions exist before the amendment is made, any offender will be grandfathered in for that one instance and is hence forth held to any repercussion for future occurrences.
- Proposals to amend the Membership Rules must be presented to the board for review and approval.
- The final approval for amendments to the Membership Rules must pass a 2/3rd vote by the active members of the organization.
Group Promotion
- Promotional pictures, accounts, and / or other recollections of meetings or events may be recorded via video, photograph, or audio recording to be used in future advertising or promotion.
- If you would prefer not to be involved in promotional materials please feel free to avoid being in a location where you may be included in a picture that is being taken.
Membership Rules
Becoming Member
- All new members must fill out an application of intent to join
- New members are probationary members for 1 calendar month and until they have approval of 2 board members.
- Probationary members are required to pay $25 application fee (counts as your first month's dues) Refundable if membership is declined by either party
- Accepting new members
- Probationary members having 1 calendar month of participation and approval of 2 board members will be eligible for full member status
- The group will be notified at least 5 days in advance of all probationary member's impending upgrade to full member status.
- Any issues with probationary members should be communicated to the board directly.
- Issues raised will be handled by the board at their discretion.
Probationary Member Limitations
- Probationary members are expected to attend meetings and put forth effort to get to know the group
- Probationary members will only have access to the space during open house events or meetings
- Probationary members will not have shop access
- Current members should be paired with new/interested party so they have a kind of mentor/sponsor. If no member steps up, the Vice President should attempt to take the responsibility but may pass the responsibility on to another officer.
- General induction into the group requires the member to be at least of 18 years of age.
- Any minor in the space must be accompanied by a legal guardian at all times.
Revoking Membership
- Membership may be revoked from the organization for any of the following reasons
- Membership may be revoked by the board if dues are not paid for 2 months (See Membership Dues)
- Membership may be revoked by a majority vote by the board after a member has been put "in poor standing". (See Issues & Accusations)
- Any activity which results in the endangerment of the status of the organization or its property
- Any activity judged by the the board to be outside of the realm of acceptable behavior.
Rights of Members
- Every member has the right to vote on any issue put before the membership.
- Every member has the right to vote for officers / board members during the yearly election.
- Members are provided access to the space (pending acquirement of the group's space).
Drugs & Alcohol in the space
- No illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia under any condition are to be present or used in the space.
- Anyone obviously under the effects of drugs may be asked to leave the space.
- Must be of age, no exceptions
- After consumption of alcohol there is no usage of Power Tools for 12 hours after the consumption of the last beverage
- Alcohol Probation
- Separate from normal probation
- Caught drinking and breaking rules, you are prohibited from imbibing alcohol on site and surrounding area for a defined period of time
- Three strikes
- First occurrence, 2 weeks no alcohol consumption or alcohol intoxication on site and surrounding area
- Second occurrence, 1 month no alcohol consumption or alcohol intoxication on site and surrounding area and 2 weeks of no usage of tools
- Third occurrence, go to board for further review
- The board reserves the right for all decisions and actions taken pertaining to alcohol consumption or drunken conduct on site and surrounding area
Responsibility of Members
- Ensure that dues are kept current unless some other special arrangement has been approved by the board.
- Upon any member deciding to leave the organization or in the event a member is removed by the board, that member must return any and all organization property as well as any keys or access devices used for the organization.
Membership Dues
- Membership dues will be determined by the Membership Level.
* Membership fees are due on the 1st of every month and considered late after the 7th of the month and may be assessed a late penalty, as decided by the policy of the membership level.
* A suspension of membership privileges or the membership revoked by the Board of Directors if dues are not paid within 15 calendar days from the first of the month.
- Membership Dues are expected on the 1st of every month or the calendar anniversary date. (IE you become a full member on the 15th, your dues are expected by the 15th of each month)
- An email will be sent once a members dues are a month late. Once dues are two months late, a member must either pay one month's dues, or their access will be removed and they will be requested to return their keys. Habitual issues will be addressed on a case by case basis.
- The Board of Directors reserves the right to have the final say on any and all special arrangements.
- Any special arrangements are made / held in confidence.
Issues & Accusations
- If an issue or matter between members cannot be resolved, those members can bring the matter to the board. It is then at the boards discretion to enact appropriate action for resolution of the issue.
- The Board of Directors may place a member in "poor standing" with the group.
- A member "in poor standing" is a status the board may assign a member who has caused significant issues as decided by the board.
- Requirements of Members "in poor standing"
- Attend at least 2 meetings in a calendar month
- Make a conscious effort to have resolved the issues described by the board
- Members may be held "in poor standing" for 1 calendar month starting when they are addressed.
- Unless specifically stated, the member is in no other ways limited
- Before the end of the calendar month, or no longer than 7 days after, the Board of Directors Must vote on the member "in poor standing"
- The vote would be if the Board feels the issues have been resolved. If the issues have not been resolved, the membership may be revoked with a majority vote.
- Non-Members are welcome to the space during regularly scheduled open house meetings or other open house events.
- Non-Members are not permitted utilization of space resources.
- Non-Members can request to use resources, must be approved by 2 or more board members.
- Pre-scheduled visits are welcome provided they are scheduled with and approved by the board.
- Guests of a paying member are allowed in the space provided they are accompanied by the member inviting them in. That member shall take responsibility for all actions of the guest for the duration of their visit.
- Guests of a paying member are welcome to use resources in the assistance of member projects.
- Any outside solicitations to group members must be board approved.
Tools & Equipment
General Usage
- Certain equipment may not be operable by anyone under the age of 21 as decided by the board on a per equipment basis
- Tools should be used according to manufacturer's guidelines to ensure safety and prevent damage.
Loaned Equipment
- Equipment does not leave the space without prior board approval
- Theft of items from the space will result in disciplinary action, up to and including permanent termination of membership
Individual Owned Tools
- Risk of damage to equipment is assumed by the owner.
- If it is feasible for the equipment to be added to inventory for insurance purposes then it will be included on the list while it resides at the location.
- Projects should not be stored long term in the space unless approved by the board.
- Your safety is your responsibility
- Proper safety precautions should always be exercised
- If safety is in question, stop until any safety concerns can be addressed.
- All votes must be cast in person at the time the vote is called
- Voting by proxy - You may cast your vote by proxy so long as the board has been notified and approved your request to vote by proxy.
Yearly Elections
- Elections are held on December 1st through 7th of every year.
- Nominations for elections are held November 1st through the 7th.
- Nominations must be made via email to
- Members who wish to run for board member positions must:
- Be in good standing for 2 or more consecutive months prior to nomination
- Current in their membership dues to the month of nominations
- The Secretary will provide private ballots and be responsible for collecting and calculating ballots.
- Ballots should be available to members no later than November 30th.
- Any nomination that the Secretary is unable to receive acceptance from the nominee will not be included on the ballot.
- If the secretary is unable to secure nominee acceptance by November 30th, that nominee will not appear on the ballot.
- Physical ballots will be available as well as sent out via email.
- Completed ballots will be accepted via email from member's email on file, sent to during the time of elections.
- The outcome of the votes will be put before the board and ratified in a special, open board meeting.
- In the event of a tie, the presiding board will determine the winner by a majority vote.
- Probationary members at the time of elections are not permitted to vote in yearly elections or nominate candidates.
- Members "in poor standing" are allowed to vote and may nominate a 3rd party.
- Nominations by proxy is handled exactly like voting by proxy "so long as the board has been notified and approved your request"
- Nominations will be listed on the wiki for the current year election once the nomination has been accepted by the nominee.