Adafruit Order
Adafruit has announced that they will be giving Hackerspaces their reseller discount and lowering the minimum order to $250 in order to get the discount. What this means for us is better deals, but it means that we will likely need to pool our orders together to make the most of it. So that's where this page comes in. We will use this page to detail items that people would like to order, and so long as we don't mind waiting a little bit there should be little trouble in reaching the minimum to get the discount.
A discount is given on a per item basis and is dependant upon the quantity of that item that is ordered. Typically the discounts are 10% for 9 or less, 20% for 10 to 25, 30% for 26 to 49, and 40% for 50 or more. A minimum of $250 per order is required to get any discounts. This is after the items have received the discount based on the quantity, and before shipping is added.
Current Order
See templates {{adafruit item top}}, {{adafruit item row}}, {{adafruit item bottom}}, and {{order totals}} for the templates used to format this section. Note: If you do not put your desired items in a template format, it is acceptable and will be done so by an admin later.