From MidsouthMakers - Memphis Area Hackerpace
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Old Business
- Bylaws
- Finish up bylaws pertaining to the membership
- Flesh out the individual duties of the remaining positions
- Bank Account
- Space
- If we are going to have a bank account soon, our next thing is to start looking at spaces
- When is everyone free to go around and scope out some areas and pick up some numbers to contact?
- A wiki page needs to be started for this that lays out brief descriptions of locations and contact info
- Dues
- Hacker Consortium
- $100 - joining fee, keeps people from dropping in and out regularly
- $40/month - after
- No student rate
- If board sees fit, as a whole they are allowed to create new tiers on the fly (i.e. a member had a wreck and can't pay at the moment)
- Freeside Atlanta
- $80/month - regular
- $40/month - student
- They are hard set on their dues, but as a result they have a really awesome space
- Makers Local 256
- Some pay $300, others $100, some $30
- They ask that you pay what you think your time is worth, but that leaves it to other members to pickup the slack
- As a result they have members who pay a lot more and that member gets to have a little/lot more say in things
- Pumping Station: One
- $50 - regular
- $30 - starving maker
- They've had some setup before where unemployed members may not pay, but I believe they regularly do the starving maker fee
New Business
Comes to Order @
Meeting Adjourned @